The Path to Reaching Optimal Performance
You know you have the intellect and ability. You’ve experienced being in the “zone,” when everything just flowed. But too often, anxiety, fear, anger or other emotions interfered with your best performance. Academic testing, job interviews, sales or funding presentations, work performance and public speaking are a few common areas where strong performance is short-circuited by our emotions. We have all experienced a situation when we needed to showcase our abilities, but negative emotions got the better of us.
There Is a Solution
Empowering STEPS harnesses the power of the Institute of HeartMath’s® ground-breaking research and the emWave technology to train clients self-mastery in the moment – and in the moments which matter most – creating an optimal synchronization between the brain and the heart, or “coherence.” We train you how to get and stay in the “zone,” overcoming learning and performance blocks, through emWave™ game formats and other techniques.
From the mission-driven classroom to the strategy-driven boardroom, HeartMath® and Empowering STEPS attune every leader and learner to his deepest purpose and highest potential.
For more information visit our website at http://www.empoweringsteps.com/
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